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You are currently on the VacanceSelect booking site belonging to the CampingVision International AG group.

CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG, is committed to ensuring the utmost protection of your personal data and complying with the rules and regulations on privacy and personal data processing.

In accordance with the law, please review our privacy and cookies policy and all of the specific terms and conditions shown on our website which govern your use of this site.

Your use of our website implies your full and unconditional acceptance of all terms of use.


Protecting your personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal data”) is one of our top priorities and our main commitments to you.

This privacy policy governs the processing of any data provided or collected on the websites where it is published and describes how we collect, use, process and disclose information about you, and the rights you have regarding said data.

We comply with this privacy policy pursuant to any local laws in force in regions where we conduct our activities.

Please bear in mind that when you provide us with personal data on a website, or on a third-party platform, the said personal data may be collected separately by the website or platform in question.

Who is the controller of this personal data?

We are part of the CampingVision International AG group. Our group is the data controller for your personal data from all VACANCESELECT camping holiday booking sites.

Where this policy uses the terms “We”, “Our” or “Us”, it refers to CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG, a company governed by Swiss law, registered with the Geneva Chamber of Commerce under Commercial register ID CH-660.2.192.012-7, with its registered office at Rue du Bachet, 1212 Grand-Lancy, Switzerland.

CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG is responsible for data processing and will manage all collected information in the strictest privacy.

Data controllers process your personal data in compliance with current legislation, in particular, European regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter "GDPR").

Which personal data do we collect?

The personal data listed below is collected to enable you to make full use of the features of our website. Certain information is required to provide you with our services. This is indicated by an asterisk when the data is collected.

Which data?

We collect and process, in particular, the title, last name, first name, date of birth, telephone number, email address, secure/encrypted password, postal address, means of payment, IP address, connection and browsing data, order history, interests and preferences, the campsite and holiday pages viewed, incidents, complaints and location data of our customers.


  • When you create a Personal Area on our website
  • When you book a holiday on our website (managing payments, fees and charges, collection and recovery)
  • When you browse our websites, view products and favourite products
  • When you enter a competition
  • When you write a comment
  • When managing our relationship with you (informing you about changes to our terms or our privacy policy, inviting you to leave a review or complete a survey)
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter
  • When you ask us to send you promotional e-mails
  • When some of our data is sent by/to third parties (tour operators, works councils, certain partners, etc.)
  • When you view our advertisements
  • When you contact our Customer Services
  • When you use certain server logs

What is the basis for the processing of your personal data?

When you use our website, you are asked to provide us with some information about yourself. Only personal data required to fulfil the purpose(s) specified below will be collected.

Legitimate interest: CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG has a commercial interest in processing your data which is legitimate and proportionate and does not interfere with your privacy.

  • Sharing of the personal data between companies within Vacanceselect (follow-up services, CRM).

Legal basis: the processing of your personal data is compulsory by law.

  • Storing of your card details following a one-off payment: when you make a payment on our website, your payments are secured through the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate and the 3Dsecure systems.
  • These details are not collected in full, only a payment ID and the first 6 and last 5 digits of your card number to enable you to recognise the card you used to make the payment.

Contractual basis: personal data processing is necessary to fulfil the contract you have signed.

  • Your Personal Space: the data collected enables us to customise the features and content of your personal space on our site.
  • Managing holidays and bookings: we need your data to manage your bookings, monitor the customer relationship, manage any complaints to recover any outstanding payments, etc.
  • Customisation of our services and any messages we send you (emails, product recommendations): your personal information enables us to customise the services that may be of interest to you and the communications we send you. This allows us to send you promotional messages and commercial advertising information which may interest you based on your preferences. These emails are based on the fact that you have booked a stay at one of our establishments.
  • Competitions: your information is required to enter the competition so we can forward any prizes if you win.
  • Service e-mails: Service e-mails allow us to follow up on your requests and bookings, or to fulfil the contract (booking confirmations, information about your stay, etc.). These e-mails are necessary for the proper fulfilment of any bookings and services requested by you. The legal basis for this processing is the contract. The receipt of such information is not linked to whether or not you choose to subscribe to our newsletter or receive special offers.

Your consentyou agree to the processing of your personal data by granting your express consent (checkbox, clicking a button, etc.). You may withdraw this consent at any time.

  • Newsletters: after creating your Personal Space or making your booking, you may receive information about our destinations following your authorisation via our website to be kept informed about news from our campsites and our partners. Subscription to our newsletter allows us to remind you about all our offers and services but also about various events involving our campsites. We hereby inform you that you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking the link provided.
  • Post: if you have no objection, you may receive special offers and information by post from companies in Vacanceselect and our business partners.
  • Phone calls: with your authorisation, we may record any phone calls you have with our staff for training purposes and to improve the quality of our service.

How long do we keep your data for?

Your personal data is used and kept by our internal departments for administrative and commercial purposes for a specific period which will depend on the purpose for which it was collected and processed. It will then be archived with restricted access for a further period in accordance with the applicable legislation before being deleted.

Sharing of data within VacanceSelect for customer knowledge purposesLegitimate interest5 years from the last activity5 years
Use of the Personal SpaceContract5 years from the last activity5 to 10 years
Holiday purchaseContract5 years10 years
Holiday managementContract5 years from the last activity5 to 15 years
Customer knowledge and statistical analysisContract5 years5 years
Sending of messages by email (electronic marketing, newsletter, responding to a specific request)Legitimate interest Consent3 years from the last activityNot archived
CompetitionContractFor the duration of the competitionNot archived
InvoicingContract5 years10 years
Retention of card details after a one-time paymentLaw/contract15 months from the payment dateTemporarily archived for a period of 13 months for evidence purposes in the event of any dispute regarding the transaction. This period may be extended to 15 months to take into account the ability to use deferred debit cards.

Who are the recipients of your data?

We ask all third parties to keep your personal data secure and to process it in accordance with the law. Our third-party partners and service providers are required to use your personal data in accordance with our instructions, in other words strictly within the framework of the purposes set out above.

Sharing data within Vacanceselect :

The data collected, including your personal data, may be shared within our group of companies, enjoying common ownership or joint control.

Some or all of your information may be disclosed to group subsidiaries or partner campsites when creating your Customer Account or when you book a stay. Depending on the circumstances, the information shared may include:

  • your last name, first name, email address, postal address, title, date of birth and telephone number,
  • information about your stay,
  • the booking details for your stay, including in particular, but not necessarily limited to, the booking dates and sums paid,
  • the last names, first names and details enabling the identification of all guests going on the holiday in question.

Sharing this information is necessary to fulfil the holiday contract binding upon us and to identify our customers.

Sharing data with third parties and subcontractors:

In some cases, we may need to share your personal data with third parties.

  • Third-party service providers and partners

We call upon service providers (subcontractors) and technical, business and payment partners who are not part of Vacanceselect to help us provide and implement the services within the framework of the purposes outlined above.

For example, we request their services for customer support, to manage, fulfil, process and pay for your booking and for marketing activities.

All of our third-party service providers and partners will have their own rules regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information.
They contractually undertake to guarantee the security of your personal data and to manage the data processing, which is contractually restricted to set specifications, with complete transparency and confidentiality.

  • Competent authorities

We submit personal data to law enforcement agencies where required to do so by law, or where strictly necessary to prevent, detect or prosecute criminal acts or fraud, or where we are legally obliged to do so.

We may be required to disclose further personal data to the relevant authorities to defend our rights or our establishments, or the rights and establishments of our business partners.

What are your rights regarding the processing of your personal data?

What are your rights?

Pursuant to the French Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law of 6 January 1978, as amended by the law of 6 August 2004 and the European General Data Protection Regulation which entered into force on 25 May 2018, you are entitled to access your information and you can ask us to rectify it, delete it or tell you what we intend to do with it afterwards. You can also object to the processing and sharing of your data.

For more information:

  • Right of access: obtain confirmation that your data is being processed and, if so, obtain access to said data.
  • Right of rectification: the right to ask CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG to amend your inaccurate information in the database.
  • Right to delete: the right to have all of your information in the database removed with the exception of any data required to fulfil our legal obligations.
  • Right of restriction: the right to obtain from the controller the accuracy of your data which you are disputing due to its unlawful processing, or where necessary for you to legally dispute the same or exercise or defend your rights.
  • Right to object the right to object to the processing of your data for personal reasons, except where we have legitimate and compelling reasons which override your interests, rights and freedoms. You also have this right where said personal data is being processed for marketing purposes.
  • Right to portability: the right to have your commonly used personal information sent to another controller.
  • Right to not be the subject of a decision based on automatic processing: the right to not be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, which produces legal effects concerning you or affecting you, except where said decision is necessary to conclude or fulfil a contract, or is legally authorised.
  • Post-mortem right: the right to specify what happens to your data afterwards. In the absence of any instructions from you, said data will be deleted after a certain period of time.

How to exercise your rights?

We are actively working to improve our service to enable you to exercise your rights in this respect more easily.

CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG has appointed VacanceSelect as its privacy representative, having appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO).

In the meantime, you can contact us to revoke your consent or exercise your rights:

  • Either by sending an email to the following address:
  • Or by sending a letter to the following address: VacanceSelect - Data Protection Officer - Bijster 13, 4717 HZ, Breda, The Netherlands.

If you submit such a request, please include your first name, last name, email address and postal address, indicating the reason for your request and/or the right you wish to exercise. As part of our ongoing endeavour to ensure the privacy of your personal data, we hereby reserve the right to ask you to prove your identity by sending us a photocopy of a valid identity document that includes your signature and to verify your identity and specify the address you would like us to send our response to. We will respond to your request as soon as possible and within 30 days at the latest.

There will be no charge for you in this respect. We may however charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. We may also refuse to respond to your request in such circumstances.

What do we do if our privacy policy changes?

CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG reserves the right to amend and update the website and its content and the current terms and conditions, in particular, to take into consideration new technologies, industry practices, regulatory and legislative requirements, or for any other reason.

We will display the new policy on the website. We recommend that you check that our privacy policy has not changed on a regular basis.

Will your data be transferred outside the European Union?

Through the website, your data may be transferred outside the European Union within the framework of the purposes listed above. When you book a holiday at one of our campsites outside the European Economic Area, we will need to transfer your personal data to the providers outside the EU to make your booking.

Said data will only be used as strictly necessary but it will not benefit from the same level of protection as within the European Union. Before transferring said data outside the European Union, CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG will take all necessary steps to make such transfers secure.

Please contact us by post: VacanceSelect Europe BV - Data Protection Officer - Bijster 13, 4817 HZ, Breda, The Netherlands

Do you collect the personal data of minors?

When you book a holiday, we ask for the first and last names and dates of birth of all guests so we can check their ages.

This website and the booking services for holidays at our campsites are not aimed at minors under 18 years of age. It is the responsibility of parents, and anyone with parental authority, to decide if their minor child is authorised to use the services on offer.

In addition, minors under 13 years of age may not give their own consent, under any circumstances, to the processing of their personal data. Minors under 13 years of age will need parental authorisation to submit their personal data and consent to the processing of the same.

How is your data used in connection with social networks?

CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG uses various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and Instagram.

Where possible under the applicable legislation, we may share certain restricted personal information about you, such as your email address, with social networks such as Facebook or Google, to generate customer leads, promote traffic to our websites or otherwise promote our products and services or this website.

The social networks we may share your personal data with are not controlled or monitored by CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG. Consequently, any questions about how your social network site service provider processes your personal data should be submitted to the service provider in question.

For more information, see the privacy policies of those social networks to find out how data is distributed between these networks and CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG. You can however object to such sharing by changing your data access settings on your social networks directly.

CampingVision International AG collects certain information on their behalf, in particular the audience on its social network pages, knowledge of your preferences and traffic generation to our sites, in particular with a view to selling holidays.

Who is our Data Protection Officer?

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer to answer all your questions about personal data at the earliest opportunity. You can contact them:

  • Either by sending an email to the following address:
  • Or by post at the following address: VacanceSelect - Data Protection Officer - Bijster 13, 4817 HZ, Breda, The Netherlands.

Don’t forget to provide your first and last name and postal address so we can answer you.


What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text, image or software files placed and stored on your device (computer, telephone, tablet or any other device which allows you to browse the internet) when you visit a website.

As with numerous other websites, when you surf or browse our site, we use cookies and web beacons to make your browsing experience easier and to collect information about the traffic as a whole so we can analyse trends and compile statistics.

When you visit our site, a permanent cookie is assigned to you and will be stored on the hard disk of your computer.

Why use cookies?

These cookies enable:

  • Implementation of new features and make the website as intuitive as possible.
  • Transparency regarding the performance of our site by compiling statistics to aid improvement.
  • Us to suggest and recommend products or services which may be of interest to you.
  • The use of data analysis to improve our website, our products/services, our marketing, our customer relations and our experiences.
  • To provide you with relevant web content and advertising and to measure or understand the effectiveness of the advertising we deliver to you.

Which cookies may be installed?

The cookies used are not archived. The maximum retention period for the cookies is 13 months from the last visit (with the exception of Google cookies which are kept for 14 months).

We use categories of cookies which serve the following purposes:

Browser cookies, required to provide the requested services:

These cookies are essential to browse our website and enable optimisation of the site’s function, enable you to access specific features and make your connection secure. They cannot be disabled.

These cookies enable you, for example, to access your personal area on our site directly thanks to advertising credentials, the device or personal data you have provided previously. Without these cookies, you would only be able to visit the public area of our site and you would no longer have access to your secure customer area.

Google AnalyticsTraffic and site usage analysis and visitor statistics

Analytical cookies for audience measurement and statistics:

These are cookies that enable us to understand and analyse the use of the website by compiling statistics and usage traffic volumes so we can improve the site. The cookie helps identify you when you visit our website so that information about your browsing on this website is recorded based on the number of pages viewed and the number of visits to the site.

The collection and processing of information enables us to assess, analyse and report on the use of the service by our customers.

DeployTeqInternet user behaviour analysis on our sites
CheqPrevention of invalid and fraudulent clicks

Functional cookies to personalise your experience:

These are cookies that enable us to identify site information which may interest you so we can personalise your experience on our site (for example, reminding you about recent holidays viewed, remembering the bookings in your basket before continuing your purchases).

They also allow you to benefit from our customised tips and special offers based on your browser origin (for example, if you have booked at one of our partner campsites).

Cookies relating to advertising campaigns:

These are cookies used to show you adverts or provide you with information tailored to your preferences on our site or off our site when you are browsing the web. These are used in particular to limit the number of times you see an advert and help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Bing AdsGeneration of traffic to our sites
FacebookGeneration of traffic to our sites
Google AdsGeneration of traffic to our sites
TradetrackerGeneration of traffic to our sites
AWINGeneration of traffic to our sites

By agreeing to the use of cookies, you authorise CAMPINGVISION INTERNATIONAL AG, and its technical, business or payment partners, to process the following information: offline data matching, geographic location data and device connection data.

What about your consent?

Every internet user has the ability to object to cookies being saved via one of the following methods:

The automatic method:

When the site is opened, a plug-in appears automatically so you can consent to or refuse the use of cookies, with the exception of the Google Analytics cookie which is essential to the functioning of our website.

Please note that cookies make this website more efficient and enable our services to function better.

Any setting you may configure in your browser regarding the acceptance or refusal to use cookies therefore will be likely to change your web browsing and your conditions for accessing certain services which require the use of said cookies.

The manual method:

You may however choose to manually configure your computer to alert you each time a cookie is sent or you can even choose to block all cookies. These two actions are performed using the settings in your browser. Each browser is different. You can choose at any time to express or modify your preferences regarding cookies using the methods described below. Your preferences are expressed based on the browser you are using.

You can configure your browser so that cookies are stored on your device or, conversely, so they are rejected, either systematically or by the issuer. You can also configure your browser to ask if you accept or refuse cookies before a cookie can be saved to your device.

The configuration for managing cookies and your preferences is different for each browser. It is described in the help menu of your browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari) which will tell you how to modify your preferences regarding cookies.

Cookie preferences can also be modified via the following website:

Note however that this procedure will not prevent advertising from being displayed on the websites you visit. It will only block the technologies that enable customisation of said advertising to your interests.

Please note that cookies make this website more efficient and enable our services to function better.

Last updated on 26 September 2023